Serve at Good Shepherd
Before you read any further, stop and think about what brings you joy. How would you like to share that with this faith community? At Good Shepherd we are convinced that God gathers particular gifts in this place, and then sits back and watches how we use them. Maybe you play the oboe, or teach mindfulness meditation, or enjoy public speaking. Perhaps you quilt, or garden, or sing. You’ll find a list of many (but not all) of the traditional, existing ways to “raise your hand” and participate. (See outreach in our community) Please know that we will be delighted to support you to use the gifts you’ve been given here, in this community of faith. (Contact Bev in the church office and she will connect you with the right person.) Don’t wait- we’ve been expecting you. Let your light shine!
Sunday mornings:
Assisting Ministers (prayer of the prayers)
Greeter (offer a friendly, intentional welcome)
Communion Assistant (assist with the distribution of communion)
Usher (pass out bulletins, “direct traffic”)
Lector (reader of Scripture)
Acolyte (lighter of the candles)
Cantor (lead congregational song, often chanting the psalm)
Counters (faithfully record offerings and contributions)
Music (choose hymns on a monthly basis and contribute to musical variety in worship)
Fellowship Host (make the coffee, set up refreshments, etc.)
Trash (dump trash and wheel the containers to the curb)
And beyond our weekly worship:
Teachers and Helpers: Every Sunday (except through the Summer) we offer a Sunday School learning experience for children.
Teachers/Learners: We have occasional adult forums, and welcome your voice as a teacher
Visit homebound people (in teams)
“Meet and Eat” Once a month - typically the Third Thursday - we go out to a local restaurant for lunch. Come alone or bring a friend - we’ll save room at the table for you! Contact Marcia Presher at to be included!
AND Music Groups!
The Church Choir and the Hand-Bell Choir: Led by Linda Fischer (choir) and Ashleigh Roberts (bell choir), these groups provide occasional musical offerings during worship.
Occasional Singers: Melissa McCarthy gathers interested voices to learn music that will be sung in worship. No music-reading necessary.